黃紫晴 (Elizabeth Wong)
Elizabeth目前是一位全職的能量治療師 (Energy Therapist),擁有美國上愛荷華大學的心理學學士、及香港理工大學的中國商貿管理碩士,其後更曾深造催眠治療、夢境分析、心理療癒等專業領域。
2024 年獲得中國國家認證的「高級能量治療師」(證書編號:RLPX1260420202621)
Elizabeth 投身能量治療的初衷,是因為察覺到現今很多出現長期身體或情緒問題的人,病根在於潛意識及能量場的缺損。她認為能量治療師其實是最佳的「潛意識工程師」,透過在潛意識層面,對人體能量場作出修繕,很多身心問題就自然會不藥而癒。
更令人驚喜的是,Elizabeth 還擅於透過提升個人運用潛意識的能力,幫助別人發展潛能、提升自信,並培養正面的思維及態度。
事實上,由2010 年至今 Elizabeth 已成功治療了不少個案,從小朋友至長者、家庭主婦至大學教授,病情從輕到重都有,包括失戀、肥胖、壞習慣 (濫藥/煙/酒、好賭)、婚姻 / 關係問題、失眠、惡夢、焦慮、甲狀腺毛病、免疫功能失調、長期痛症;甚至嚴重的如抑鬱、自殺傾向、幻覺、自閉等。
目前,Elizabeth 主要透過預約方式,在港島上環區的辦公室為各區人士服務。另外,如有不便行動人仕希望接受治療,亦可透過預約到診方式獲得幫助。
Elizabeth has a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology, and a Masters Degree in China Business Studies. She is a specialist in Dreams Analysis, Hypnotherapy, and Mental Healing.
Obtained Chinese national certification as “Advanced Energy Therapist” in 2024 (Certificate Number: RLPX1260420202621)
Founder and President of Hong Kong Energy Therapy & Soul Practice Association since 2022.
Since 2010, Elizabeth has noticed that there are many helpless people suffering from different kinds of illnesses and the root of the problems are actually in subconscious and energy level. She then started to work as a subconscious engineer, using Energy Therapy to help people completely heal from many mental and physical illnesses.
Apart from helping people heal from illnesses, Elizabeth also helps people through lectures, workshops and seminars. She is an expert in enhancing peoples’ subconscious power, potential, self-esteem, and positive thinking, etc.
Elizabeth is a specialist in integrating her practical experience from being a “therapist” and “life coach” with teaching. She is capable of explaining difficult psychological concepts in more understandable ways, which is different from the traditional tendency of teaching textbook contents. Elizabeth also pays more attention to teach the students’ practical understanding and application methods in life.
She provides lectures and seminars on the following topics:
Happy Psychology certification course @ HKMA
Mindfulness diploma course @ HKMA
Stress management
Subconscious power enhancement
Self esteem improvement
Positive thinking, etc.
The topics can be customised according to corporate needs. Elizabeth can also provide private energy sessions to staff who are under a high level of stress in order to help them regain a balanced working spirit.